What is Search Help in SAP ABAP | Types of search help in SAP | Elementary search help | Collective search help | SE11 | What is LPos and SPos in search help in SAP ABAP
Search Help is another important object of DDIC (Database Dictionary) which allows to search value via F4 from defined objects in DDIC (Data Dictionary). It is very useful object of DDIC in terms of SAP ABAP tables. After creating search help for a field then its provide the user to field related information.
The help via F4 is a standard function for search help in SAP ABAP. It allows to user select a value from hit list generated by F4 without entering any manual value. We have two kind of search helps in SAP ABAP R3 system Elementary Search help and Collective search help.
In this article we will discuss about search help concept which we have in SE11, Different types of search helps, How to create search help and how to find search help which is used in standard transaction codes.
Table of Contents
What is Search Help?
Search Help is another important object of DDIC (Database Dictionary) which allows to search value via F4 from defined objects in DDIC (Data Dictionary). It is very useful object of DDIC in terms of SAP ABAP tables. After creating search help for a field then its provide the user to field related information. he help via F4 is a standard function for search help in SAP ABAP. It allows to user select a value from hit list generated by F4 without entering any manual value. Search Help is used to retrieve all the possible values related to that object in the form of a list which we called hit list.
The function module used in search help is ‘F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST‘.
Types of Search Help.
In DDIC ( Data Dictionary) we have two kind of search help in SAP ABAP which we will discuss below.
Elementary Search Help
Elementary Search Help: Elementary Search Help is search help when you press F4 on any object then we have only a single tab where that field will be present from which you can enter the value and retrieve the required value. Basically it’s specify singly search help and retrieve data or value from single table. In below picture we have object Variant Name and it’s Search help is Variant name (3) shows 36 entries when we press F4 on object Variant Name. In this picture it shows single tab Restrictions which represent elementary search help.
Collective Search Help
Collective Search Help: Collective Search Help is search help when you press F4 on any object then we have multiple tabs where we can enter value for search and retrieve the required value. It offers multiple alternative of search path. Basically it is specify multiple search help and retrieve data or value from multiple table. It can be collection of multiple elementary search help. In below picture for material object we have multiple search help tab showing (Material Number/Material Description, material by old material number, material transferred from CAD system, materials for class and so on.) which represent collective search help. Here multiple elementary search help grouped to make collective search help.
What is Lpos and Spos in search help?
Position to coordinate of field is defined through Lpos and Spos while declaring search help via SE11.
LPOS: LPOS stands for List Position, Position of field in search help result or position of field in hit list. When the hit list displayed or result displayed after entering in search help the order of that result is determined by the LPOS.
SPOS: SPOS stands for Screen Position, Position of field in search help restriction screen or position of search help parameters in selection screen or dialog box for limiting the hit list. When you press F4 then a selection will appear with fields of the search help attached with that field and the selection screen will appear with those field the order of those field is determined by the SPOS.
What is the tcode to create search help?
To create search help we will use data dictionary by transaction code SE11.
What is LPOS and SPOS ?
Position to coordinate of field is defined through Lpos and Spos while declaring search help via SE11.
How many type of search help in SAP ABAP?
There are 3 types
1. Elementary Search Help.
2 Collective Search Help.
3 Append Search Help.
What is Import Parameter in SAP ABAP Search Help?
Import Parameter is used to when the context information form the processed input template is copied to the search help process, in other word import parameter is that input on which behalf we will get the hit list. Import parameter is the value which we given as input.
What is Export Parameter in SAP ABAP Search Help?
Export Parameter is used to when the values from a hit list have to be returned back to the input template. Export parameter is a value which is returned as result after given value in input parameter.
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