Sap data Dictionary Tables | How to Get All Sap Tables

Sap data Dictionary Tables | How to Get All Sap Tables

hey are you searching data dictionary tables in SAP So you need to read this article in this article we will provide you some Useful tables of sap data dictionary. These tables helps you all to know about DDIC Tables. These are the all tables and it’s short text to get all tables in sap.

How to Get All Sap Tables

For doing this task you need to enter the following code into Table field as given in the image below

DD02L is the table which contain all tables of SAP.

How to Get All Sap Tables

DD02T is the table which contain all tables of SAP with its short description.

Sap data Dictionary Tables

Sap data Dictionary Tables

Table NameShort Description
DD01TR/3 DD: domain texts
DD02ALLTable Parameters for ALLBASE
DD02DB2DB2/390: Table Parameters
DD02DB6DB6: Table Parameters for DB2 Version 2
DD02INFTable Parameters for INFORMIX, Version 6
DD02LSAP Tables
DD02MSSTable Parameters for Microsoft SQL Server
DD02TSAP DD: SAP Table Texts
DD03LTable Fields
DD03TDD: Texts for fields (language dependent)
DD04LData elements
DD04TR/3 DD: Data element texts
DD05SForeign key fields
DD06LPool/cluster structures
DD06TR/3 DD: texts on SQL tables
DD07LR/3 DD: values for the domains
DD07TDD: Texts for Domain Fixed Values (Language-Dependent)
DD08LR/3 DD: relationship definitions
DD08TTexts on the relationship definitions
DD09CABAP/4: Sytem-dependent attributes of tech. settings
DD09LDD: Technical settings of tables
DD10LLock table for DD activation
DD12DB2DB2/390: Index Parameters
DD12DB6DB6: Index Parameters for DB2 Universal Database Version 2
DD12INFIndex parameter for INFORMIX
DD12LR/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, header;
DD12MSSIndex Parameters for MS SQL Server
DD12TText Table for DD12L (Short Descriptions of Sec. Indexes)
DD14SR/3 DD: components of SAP objects
DD15LR/3 DD: SAP objects
DD15TR/3 DD: texts on SAP objects
DD16SR/3 DD: SQL table fields
DD17SR/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, fields
DD20LMatchcode objects
DD20TAS400-T_MCOBJECT: MC Object Texts
DD21SS-MCIDTABLE: Tables for a MC ID
DD23LMatchcode ID
DD23TAS400_L-MCID: Matchcode ID Texts
DD24SFields of a matchcode ID
DD25LAggregate Header (Views, MC Objects, Lock Objects)
DD25TShort Texts for Views and Lock Objects
DD26SBase tables and foreign key relationships for a view
DD27SFields in an Aggregate (View, MC Object, Lock Object)
DD28SLines of a selection condition
DD29LSelection Condition for Views and MC IDs
DD29TAS400_L-SELCOND: Selection Condition Texts
DD30LSearch helps
DD30TSearch help texts
DD31SAssignment of search helps to collective search helps
DD32SSearch Help Parameter
DD33SAssignment of search help fields
DD35LSearch help attachments to structures: Headers
DD36SParameter-field assignments for search help attachment
DD40LTable types (internal tables defined in DD)
DD40TText on table types
DD42SKey fields for table types (internal tab. defined in DD)
DD90LHeader Information for External Index
DD90TR/3-DD: Text for External Index
DD91SDocID Key Definition of External Index
DD92SMapping of R/3 Data on External Index
DD93SAttributes of an External Index
DD94SLanguages of an Index Category
DD96SSynchronization Tables
DD97SStatements for Trigger and Stored Procedures
DDACLExclusion times for ABAP/4 Dictionary actions
DDALIASDD: Second name for accessing tables
DDARTDD: Data Class in Technical Settings
DDBUFDD: For transferring the new buffering parameters
DDCDIMDD: Conversion, number of table lines
DDCNVEXITDD: External conversion methods
DDCNVSTATDD: Statistical Data for Conversion
DDCNVTABLDD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/component
DDCNVTIMESDD: Exclusion times for conversion
DDCNVUSRDD: Exception table of converter
DDCSTADD: Conversion, number of table lines
DDCSTATDD: Statistics table for conversions
DDDTRENUPGDD: Table for Renaming Data Elements During Upgrade
DDF4PSINDXContains Information for Personalizing the F4 Help
DDICNVCTRLControl String for Transaction ICNV
DDICNVDISTDistribution of data records of base tables
DDICNVLSTContains information on converter exits
DDLBBUFTSTTest: Recognize Access to Buffered Tables
DDLOADDR3load-data table for migration
DDLOADHR3load-header table for migration
DDPARTDD: Partitioned form of TBATG
DDPATHDD: Definition of access paths
DDPRHR/3 DD: Log header
DDPROFDD: Settings for DDIC programs
DDPRSR/3 DD: log lines
DDSYNParameters for Buffer Synchronization
DDTYPESTable of all Dictionary types and classes
DDTYPETTexts on Type Groups
TSTCSAP Transaction Codes

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