No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date

No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date | Message No. VL248 |

Error: No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date

This Error occurred due to different dates in delivery date of schedule line tab and delivery date of Shipping tab during the delivery creation by VL01N from the sales order and selection date of VL01N is differ from both. It can be occurred due to stock unavailability.

No schedule lines due for delivery
SAP Message VL248
Message No. VL248

Solution: No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date

To solve this error you have to make sure the delivery date should be same of schedule tab and shipping tab and selection date of VL01N should be the same.

Step 1. First go to sales order VA03 and check delivery date of schedule lines tab and selection date of VL01N should be the same if not then go to Change of Sale order VA02 and change the delivery date in schedule lines tab like shown in below picture.

Solution: No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date

Step 2. Now Go to the VL01N (Create Delivery) and enter the same date in selection date which you enter in delivery date in schedule line tab.

Solution: No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selected date

If Still error is fleshing in screen after changes made by you in shipping data tab then please check your stock availability once, may be stock is not available for delivery.

Hope this article helps you to solve your issue. Please connect with us for such articles.