Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views। Create Material Master। Material Master Tables In SAP

what is material master in sap | sap material master | master data in sap mm | MM01 | sap material master views and fields | table for material type in sap | material master views in sap

If you want to know what is material master in SAP ,Views & View Creation in Material Master then should read this article.

How to create material Master in SAP

Material Master Definition

Material Master in SAP is logical representation of our Material, Article, Service, name of goods which we trade. To check physical inventory in system we create logical material in system to get physical inventory detail in system. To purchase a specified goods, we must create material in system to process the purchase order in system.

It could by anything for footwear and apparel industry Footwear Article name is footwear material, Garment Article name is garment material in system, it can be leather, laces, cloth, tape, thread, and button, means to process anything which is related to our goods we must create logical goods in system which is represented by material in sap system.

All information and related characteristics of a material is called material master. Material master is the most important data of our master data in SAP. Anything which is process for procurement or production we need material master first.

To create a Material, we will use Transaction Code MM01.

SAP Material Master Views List

  1. Basic Views.
  2. Sales Views.
  3. Purchase Views.
  4. MRP Views.
  5. Storage Data Views.
  6. Accounting Data Views.
  7. Warehouse Data Views.
SAP Material Master Views

How to create material Master in SAP MM?

We can create a Material in any view by select only that view, for example you can create a Material with Basic Views by selecting only basic view.

To Create a Material there is some mandatory fields which we need to fill. Before going to select any View, we have screen to fill Material, Industry Sector and Material Type.

  1. Material(MARA-MATNR): it can be internal or external number according to configured with material type. For Material Number we have to configured Number range for material. To configured Material Number range we have follow below mention process.
  • Transaction Code : MMNR.
  • Navigation Path : SPRO-> SAP Reference IMG-> Logistic General->Material Master-> Basic Settings->Material Types -> Define Number range for Material Types.

2. Industry Sector(MARA-MBRSH): It is like branch of material. Define Industry Sector.

  • Transaction Code : OMS3.
  • Navigation Path : SPRO-> SAP Reference IMG-> Logistic General->Material Master-> Field Selection -> Define Industry Sector

3. Material Type(MARA-MTART): It is attribute of our material which we will going to create, Same attributes materials are created in a same group and this group is our material type. For creating a material you must assign the material type with your material, Material number range is also defined according to material type. SAP Standard Material Types are:

Standard Material-Type in SAP MM
  • Transaction Code: OMS2
  • Navigation Path : SPRO-> SAP Reference IMG-> Logistic General->Basic Settings-> Material Types-> Define Attribute of Material type.
  • Table of Material Type – T134
MM01 Screen

All these highlighted fields are mandatory, and we must configure all three before going to process of material creation.

Detail Information about all views and its fields.

Basic View- Client Level

Basic Views have only general information about material, some mandatory fields are needed to insert to perform creation action are follows:

  1. Material Description (MAKT-MAKTX): It is material description, it can be insert in any language which is configured in system.
  2. Base Unit of Measure (MARA-MEINS): It is base unit of measures to manage stock of materials. For footwear (Like Shoes, Socks) and gloves we use pair (PAA), For Garment we use PCS etc.

Table of UOM – T006A.

3. Division (MARA-SPART): It is used to bifurcate our material in group. Division could be created 10, 20, 30, 40 etc. it must be configured before using in material creation.

Table of Division – TSPA.

Transaction Code – OVXB.

4. General Item Category Group (MARA-MTPOS_MARA): It is use in system to indicate effect on Sales and Stock Transfer Processing. Standard Item is commonly used in all systems.

Table of General Item Category Group – TPTM.

5. Material Group (MARA-MATKL):

Table of Material Group – T023.

Transaction Code – OMSF.

6. Weight Unit (MARA-GEWEI).

7. Gross Weight (MARA-BRGEW).

basic-view In SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Sales: Sales Org. 1

Sales Organization 1 is first level of Sales View used to store for which plant, sale organization and distribution channel you want create the material and tax indicator is at country level.

Organization-Level IN SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Organization level is telling the system from which sales organization and distribution channel will handle the sales of this material.
After confirming Plant, Sale org. and Distribution Channel new screen will appear which contain the data regarding tax classification.
Sales Organization 1 View SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Sales: Sales Org. 2

Sales Organization 2 is the second level of sales view, it contains statical and grouping data related information. Mandatory fields are:

  1. Material Statistics Group (MVKE-VERSG): It Consist Of statistic group of material which help in business to determine system update in logistic information system. 1 in most system.
  2. Account Assignment Group (MVKE-KTGRM): This field is used in accounting requirement of business.
Sales Organization 2 view IN SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Sales: General/Plant

Sales General/Plant is the third level of sales view, it contains general sales characteristics of material. It maintained at plant level. Mandatory fields are:

  1. Availability Check (MARC-MTVFP): This is field is used to check stock availability on selected plant during creation of stock transfer order and sales order. It is one kind of method to check availability of stock, the methods are defined in customization.
  2. Transportation Group (MARA-TRAGR): It is used to automatic transportation of material, using transportation group we schedule the route of our sales order and delivery.
  3.  Loading Group (MARC-LADGR): It is used to determine shipping point automatically for maintained material.
  4. Profit Center (MARC-PRCTR): It is assigned for a material to adequate profit center of material for controlling. Means the profit generated from this material on maintained plant will be assigned to maintained profit center. For example, Material A at plant E001 profit center is E00130 is controlling the profit generated by Material A at plant E001.
Sales General Data/ Plant View in SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Foreign Trade Export

This view store foreign trade and export related information. Mandatory fields are:

  1. Control Code (MARC-STEUC): it is also known as HSN Code, code of similar kind of material, it is mandatory field after GST implementation in India, calculate tax accordingly as per government norms. This code is assigned from government created list according to material category.
  2. Country of origin (MARC-HERKL): It represent the country of origin for material where it created or produced.
Foreign Trade Import View IN SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Purchasing View

This view is related to purchase, it stores purchase related fields. Mandatory fields are:

  1. Purchase Group (MARC-EKGRP): This field store purchase group code which we configured in organizational structure. For raw material we configured a raw material purchase group, for finished goods we configured finished goods purchase group same as for key group of buyers we created purchase group which handle the specific group of purchase.
  2. Order Unit (MARA-BSTME): This fields store the data related on which we placed the order. It is maintained in case of when we use different order unit instead of base unit of measure.
  3. Variable Purchase Order Unit (MARC-VABME): It is kind of an indicator which indicates the system base unit will be converted according to order unit value.
Purchasing View in SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Foreign Trade Import

This view is same as Foreign Trade Export.

Foreign trade import View in SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

MRP View 1

MRP 1 View is first level of MRP View as we know MRP View is related to production of material. So MRP 1 handles the information related to production and planning like MRP Group, MRP Controller, MRP Type, Lot Size and ABC Indicator etc. To maintain MRP View you must maintain it in plant along with storage location. Mandatory Fields are:

  1. MRP Group (MARC-DISGR).
  2. MRP Type (MARC-DISMM): It tells how the material is planned for production.
  3. MRP Controller (MARC-DISPO).
  4. Lot Size (MARC-DISLS).
MRP 1 View in SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

MRP View 2

MRP 2 View is the second level of MRP View it stores the information about material should be procured or produce or both, what will be production storage location and what will be storage location for external procurement. Mandatory Fields are:

  1. Procurement Type (MARC-BESKZ): It indicates the material will be procured or produced or in state of Both. X for both, F for external procurement and E for In-house production.
  2. Production storage location (MARC-LGPRO): It tells the system for production it is issuing storage location of material for planned order.
  3. Storage location for EP (MARC-LGFSB): It tells the system when we procured the materials issue from this location for planned order.
MRP 2 View in SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

MRP View 3

MRP View 3 is third level of MRP View which is basically use for planning of order for production. Mandatory fields are:

  1. Period Indicator (MARC-PERKZ): It forecast the period of material Monthly, weekly, daily, or yearly.
  2. Strategy Group (MARC-STRGR): It is based on material; it represents the process used for a material to be planning.
MRP 3 View in SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

MRP View 4

MRP View 4 is fourth level of MRP View used in BOM (Bill of Materials). Mandatory Fields are:

  1. Selection method (MARC-ALTSL): When we use bill of materials for creating this material, we will maintain the selection method.
  2. Individual Collection (MARC-SBDKZ).
MRP 4 View in SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Work Scheduling View

This view contains the information related to scheduling the production and process order of material in specific plant. Mandatory fields are:

  1. Production schedule profile (MARC-SFCPF): It define how the process will flow in production and planning.
Work Scheduling View In SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Plant Data- Storage 1 View

It is maintained for warehouse management; it is managed on plant level. Mandatory fields are:

  1. Unit of Issue (MARC-AUSME): It tells the system on which unit material stock will be issued.
Plant Data/ Storage View 1 in SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Plant Data- Storage 2 View

In this view all fields are maintained in earlier view which we maintain.

Plant Data/ Storage View 2 in SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Accounting View 1

Accounting view for a material tell the system accounting information of that material, valuation class, price, and price control. Mandatory fields are:

  1. Valuation Class (MBEW-BKLAS): It assigned according to material type and material group which we configured with Material type and Material Group.
  2. Price Control Indicator (MBEW-VPRSV): It tells the indicator of price controlling which will be V (Moving Average Price) or S (Standard Price). If the indicator assigned with V the price will varies and if indicator assigned with S the price will remain constant.
  3. Moving Price (MBEW-VERPR): It is used when we use price indicator as V.
  4. Standard Price (MBEW-STPRS): It is used when we use price indicator as S.
Accounting View 1 In SAP MM
Material Master in SAP। SAP Material Master Views।

Material Master Tables In SAP

Following are the most important tables where stores the data of Materials.

Table NameTable Description
MARAGeneral Material Data
MAKTMaterial Description
MARCPlant Data for Material
MVKESales Data for Material
MARDStorage Location Data for Material
MBEWMaterial Valuation
MARMUnits of Measure for Material
MLANTax Classification for Material
MEANInternational Article Numbers (EANs) for Material


What is the Tcode for material master?

To create a Material, we will use Transaction Code MM01.

Why do we create material master in SAP?

Material Master in SAP is the logical representation of the name of our Material , Article, Service, Goods that we trade. To check the physical inventory in the system we create logical Material in the system to get the physical inventory details in the system. In order to purchase a specified goods, we have to create the material in the system to process the purchase order in the system.

What are the important fields in material master sap?

Basic Data – Client Level
Sales Data – Sales Organization Level- Sales Org. 1 , Sales Org. 2, Sales: General/Plant (Tax indicator is at country level)
Purchasing View
MRP- MRP View 1, MRP View 2, MRP View 3, MRP View 4
Storage Data – Storage Location Level.
Accounting Data – Accounting View 1#
Plant Data- Storage 1 View, Storage 2 View
Foreign Trade Import – This view is same as Foreign Trade Export.

What is the Important Material Master Tables In SAP ?

These are the most important tables MARA, MAKT, MARC, MVKE, MARD, MBEW, MARM, MLAN, MEAN where stores the data of Materials.

That’s all for this blog, in the next blog we will tell you about the MM module in SAP. For More This Type of blog Connect with us on

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