what is a company code in sap ? | How to Create Company Code in SAP | Define Company in SAP IN 2 STEP | create company code in sap spro | whats a company code | spro full form in sap
Table of Contents
What is a Company Code in SAP ?
The company is the highest organizational unit after the client, which contains the individual financial accounting The company is the high organizational unit after the customer, which contains the individual financial account statements of numerous company canons.
A company can have multiple company codes. In SAP, creating a company is optional. The following way will introduce you to the process of forming a company in SAP and Company Code in SAP.
What is TCODE in SAP Application ?
A TCODE (transaction code) is used to more quickly access a function or a running program in a SAP application. Like shortcuts in many applications and windows SAP T-code skips the menu part and takes you straight to the execution part. As shown in the figure below, we enter T-CODE in the T-CODE field.
Steps to Create Company Code in SAP
STEP#1. To Create Company Code in SAP we will follow the below given path
SPRO —>SAP Reference IMG —>DISPLAY IMG —> Enterprise Structure —>Definition —>Financial Accounting —> EDIT, COPY, DELETE, CHECK COMPANY CODE.
Step.1: Type SPRO in the command Box.
Step.2: Now Select SAP Reference IMG.
Step.3: In the next step we follow the path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide –> Enterprise Structure –>Definition–>Financial Accounting–>Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code
Step.4: Now select Edit Company Code Data in the Choose Activity box and click on the Choose button to proceed.
Step.5: Now Choose New Entries
Step.6: Now fill the required fields in the box and click on the Address button as shown in the image.
Step.7: Fill all the necessary details in the given form.
Step.8: After Filling Details Click on Save Button.
Step.:9.After clicking on the save button you will get the company code i.e. the company has been created.
STEP 2-To Create Company Code in SAP we will use TCODE OX02
Create Company Code in SAP Tcode
Step.1: In this step we will use T-CODE : OX02 which will help to skip the path ( SPRO —>SAP Reference IMG —>DISPLAY IMG —> Enterprise Structure —>Definition —>Financial Accounting —> EDIT, COPY, DELETE, CHECK COMPANY CODE ) which we saw in the above paragraph this T-code part can take us to execution part.
Step.2: After entering the Tcode New Entries page will open and then we will click on New Entries.
Step.3: Now fill the required fields in the box and click on the Address button as shown in the image.
Step.4: Fill all the necessary details in the given form.
Step.5: After Filling Details Click on Save Button.
Step.6: Your company has been formed in accordance with the description given in the entries.
Steps to Define Company
STEP 1-To Define Company in SAP we will follow the below given path
SPRO –> SAP Reference IMG –>DISPLAY IMG –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Define Company
Step.1: Type SPRO in the command Box.
Step.2: Now Select SAP Reference IMG.
Step.3: In the next step we follow the path SAP Customizing Implementation Guide –> Enterprise Structure –>Definition–>Financial Accounting–>Define Company
Step.4: Now Choose New Entries
Step.5: After Filling Details Click on Save Button.
Step.6: If you have followed all the above steps then your company will be formed successfully.
STEP 2-To Define Company in SAP we will use TCODE OX15
Step.1: In this step we will use T-CODE : OX15 which will help to skip the path ( SPRO –> SAP Reference IMG –>DISPLAY IMG –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –> Define Company ) which we saw in the above paragraph this T-code part can take us to execution part.
Step.2: Now this T-CODE will take you to the Choose New Entries form
Step.3: After Filling Details Click on Save Button.
Step.4: If you have followed all the above steps then your company will be formed successfully as shown in the image below.
For More this Type of Article Please Also Look:
What is TCODE in SAP ?
A TCODE (transaction code) is used to more quickly access a function or a running program in a SAP application.
what is spro full form in sap
in SAP spro stands for SAP Project Reference Object
What is the full form of IMG in SAP?
in SAP IMG stands for Implementation Guide.
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